Blogging has become a source of income to most people. It can be a full time job or a part time job. The best thing about blogging you can can blog at the comfort of your home.
Did you know you can make $100 dollars a day?
In this blog we'll talk about how you can make good amount of money from blogging.
1)Choose a profitable niche
2) Quality content
3)Build audience/traffic
4)Monitize your blog
5) Being consistent
1) Choose a profitable niche
Your niche should have a strong demand and a lot of audience. Some a profitable niche are; health, finance, travel, technology, fitness, relationship, lifestyle, real estate,food etc.
Choose a niche that you are passionate about and have skills in. With this you will never run out of ideas.
2) Quality content
Your blog will only get Monitize only if you post quality content. By quality content I mean information that add value to your audience and relevant to your niche. By posting quality content you'll have your audience glued to your blog. And your content might rank well on google with the best seo. Don't forget to a add detailed keywords research.
3) Build audience
Take the initiative to promote your blog on Emails, newsletters,social media platforms eg; Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram. Once you have an audience you can monitize your blog. The more traffic on your blog means greater seo and more money.
4)Monitize your blog
Many bloggers like to Monitize with google adsense and it's one of way to earn money through blogging.
You can sell an ad spaces on your blog that want to reach your audience.
Affiliate marketing by promoting other people products on your blog you earn commission once a client purchase products using your links.
5)Being consistent
Being consistent is the key here. Writing content daily or regularly can maintain and engage with your audience. Some bloggers can post 2 blog a day others will write about 20 blog a day. The more you blog the greater mass traffic will be lead to your blog.
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