Like any other country, Kenyans faces alot of challenges securing a job. Some have degrees and diplomas but are still searching for jobs. So am going to list four jobs you can start in Kenya with only ksh50k or below.

1. Grosery store 
For a grosery store, you need to have a space near the residential are especially in urban areas. You also need to have a permit i.e licence. For it to succeed make it highly populated estate. You can make profit ksh2-3k in day. For stock, you can get in Nyamakima, Marikiti and Gikomba market.

2. Mobile Money Agents
When we talk about mobile Money Agents we are talking about, M-pesa,Airtel money,T-kash. For this you are required to have rented a small space will do. A license, a simple phone and a book to record your transactions. If you find a shop located where there is a lot of traffic you good to go. In a month you can make from ksh20-50k or more depending with the amount of float you have and the traffic of your customers. As time goes by you can also add the Equity,KCB,CO-OP, Family etc agents.

3.Thrift Clothes (mtumba)
For thrift clothing store you need to have a shop and a license. A shop in a good location with a lot of traffic is an advantage since the demand is always high. For thrift clothes you can do it online to and market your product in your social media, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram. You can get your supplies from Gikomba, Kamikunji, Stage Market etc.

4. Nail Parlor
Nail Parlor it have been the trend, most men and women enjoy getting pedicures and manicure done. A good location for the shop and pay the for license. You also need to have some of the nail polish products. 

For this business to do well you need to work on your communication skills, customer service skills and commitment. Leave a comment below and let me know what you think. 
